Memories of Singapore

Photos and Images submitted to the Memories of Singapore website

My brother James is Fourth from the left with his school teacher standing at the back.

One morning I ventured outside of my class room during my break. With his arms stretched out, my brother James was running around the school playing field with his friends shouting out the words, " ratta - tat -tat ". With arms extended I joined in too, pretending to be Spitfire aces and watch the Japs fall out of the sky towards the ground. If we weren't shooting the Jap's, then we were killing the Krauts !! we would run circles on the field and imagine they were loops in the air and when our break was over we all flew back to class. As army brats it was all make believe but fun.

My brother James is Fourth from the left with his school teacher standing at the back.

One morning I ventured outside of my class room during my break. With his arms stretched out, my brother James was running around the school playing field with his friends shouting out the words, " ratta - tat -tat ". With arms extended I joined in too, pretending to be Spitfire aces and watch the Japs fall out of the sky towards the ground. If we weren't shooting the Jap's, then we were killing the Krauts !! we would run circles on the field and imagine they were loops in the air and when our break was over we all flew back to class. As army brats it was all make believe but fun.

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