Memories of Singapore

Photos and Images submitted to the Memories of Singapore website

Oggy Match
 Players & officials (in smocks, gaiters & straw hats, NO BIAS) leaving the pitch at the end of the “Devon & Cornwall XI versus The World XI” Oggie match, all part of the Oggie night celebrations.
Keywords: Lou Watkins;Oggy

Oggy Match

Players & officials (in smocks, gaiters & straw hats, NO BIAS) leaving the pitch at the end of the “Devon & Cornwall XI versus The World XI” Oggie match, all part of the Oggie night celebrations.

orchard_road_in_the_rain2.jpg 2011-Sing_-_Raffles_Place_1-001.jpg oggie_match2.jpg Rhinoceros_Beetle_1.jpg Rick_Faulkner_3.jpg